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Worcester Dogs is run by Sandra Raw and supported by a large team of training and admin staff. 

Worcester Dogs started in 2007 and has since evolved to where we are now offering a huge range of dog and cat services for you; Puppy Classes and 1:1s, Kennel Club Classes, Adolescent Classes and 1:1s, Masterclasses, Scent Detection Training and Mantrailing. If you have a dog in Worcester then we are the team to get to know.  

At Worcester Dogs we offer all things dog. 

Worcester Dogs has its home base in Kempsey and has worked with Dogs Trust, Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and all of the Veterinary Practices across Worcester, UK Kennel Club, Bristol University and local colleges. We have consulted with many clients and taught workshops and seminars in the UK and Ireland. 


We care, we listen to you, we understand your dog so in everything we do, we act dog!

We are ambassadors for dogs in all shapes, sizes, breeds, crosses, smells, ages. So by 'thinking dog'  we work with you building long term relationships with all our clients.  It is a partnership between us and you whether you are dog walking or doing dog sports with us.

In making Worcester Dogs a cut above the rest we pride ourselves by continually attending courses around the world with today's leading Dog trainers and behaviourists. For  all of us at Worcester Dogs we truly believe that in order to be the best we can be we need to keep our expertise and skills up to date, innovative and successful.  That is what makes us different from all the rest is that we are trained by the best there is in the world of dogs and cats. And that is our core principle and belief that we live and breathe by!
This means you and your dog get the best service, latest thinking and training solutions that really work!


Our training and operating principles are based on positively rewarding the behaviours you like so that they are more likely to do them again!

We work with you showing you how a kind and informed approach using the latest and up-to-date canine learning ensures you understand your dog's canine communciation.

Positive reinforcement increases faster learning, but most importantly makes it fun for you both!


​We only use kind, force-free methods that are based on sound proven scientific principles. Positive reinforcement is a modern science-based approach to dog training that uses the principles of science to build that lasting bond with your dog. Your bond with your dog should be built on mutual respect and trust. It is a partnership that is two way and you and your dog will create a relationship that gets the best from each other.
Using positive dog training methods does not mean ‘permissive’. We simply use methods that teach your dog ‘what to do instead’ in a kind and effective way. There is no need to use hurt or bully a dog to behave as teaching them should be fun and rewarding for both of you. Wanting the best for your dog can be achieved using positive reinforcement and Assistance Dogs, Medical Detection Dogs, conservation detection dogs and rescue dogs are all trained using these scientific based principles. This method works for all dogs and all animals too from birds to big cats!


We take a holistic, pragmatic and positive approach to training and behaviour; and we set up all the dogs we teach for success so they can live in the real world. Our aim is to enable you to train and teach your dog to be a well-mannered sociable dog who adds fun and pleasure to family life.  We ensure that you build a strong bond with your dog so that you have a loving and enjoyable relationship with each other.

We are passionate about offering everyone dog training and behaviour packages that not only educate and help you but show you what is possible with your dog you and is inclusive for all the family.

We also believe that it is simply not good enough to 'call yourself' a dog trainer or a behaviourist. We pride ourselves in offering services that are supported by professional credentials that mean we offer the most up to date learning about dogs, excellent customer service, and are highly skilled in what we offer but most of all are friendly and approachable.​



BA (Hons), Dip Ed, MRes, Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB), Full Member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) 

Sandra Raw is a highly experienced Animal Behaviourist working alongside your veterinary surgeon on referral only .  She believes that every dog is an individual and each case is treated as such. Working with you every step of the way and alongside your vet, ensures your dog has the very best treatment plan. 


Sandra has been consulting on animal behaviour for over 12 years and has recently completed a Master's degree in Anthrozoology from University of West of England. Sandra is a full member of both the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors and Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians. She is recently gained a full membership of the APBC after gaining the qualification of Clinical Animal Behaviourist.


Sandra has a passion for conservation. She works on the Mankwe Reserve in South Africa at least twice a year, supporting the training programme for anti-poaching dogs whose job is to protect the magnificent Rhino. She actively organises fund raising events in the UK and champions the protection of this species at every opportunity. She is proud to be an active Trustee of the charity Animal Saviours whose conservation work in the UK and in South Africa makes a difference to protected wildlife. 


Sandra also is a puppy walker for Guide dogs and has a puppy every year to train and prepare for this very special job. She loves training any dog, but large breed dogs are the dogs that get her most excited,  as the support and guidance of a skilled trainer can deliver exceptional behaviour change. 



Kennel Club Trainer & Puppy Expert

After wanting a dog since childhood, Michelle finally got her first puppy, a rescue terrier called Barney who quickly became the centre of her world. Working with Barney at agility and weekly training classes sparked a keen interest in dog training and behaviour which has eventually led Michelle to a complete change in career.


In 2015 she joined Worcester Dogs as an office assistant, dog walker and dog holiday home boarder. The dog walking and home boarding gave her lots of insight and experience of working with a huge range of breeds, temperaments and various training challenges. She soon began volunteering at our weekly puppy classes to learn the ropes and gain more knowledge of dog training and behaviour, working her way up to class assistant and eventually running her own puppy classes. 


Her passion is for puppies and young dogs, as she recognises that this is where early intervention and support can help to prevent behavioural issues occurring. She really enjoys running puppy classes as well as working closely with dogs and owners 1:1 can really make a positive difference to them and their dogs.

More recently she has developed a passion for working with rescue dogs, particularly those coming from overseas who often have confidence and trust issues. She feels privileged to support a local rescue centre by offering training for staff and dogs at the shelter. She is also a foster mommy for a rescue charity that helps dogs to find their forever home which is hugely rewarding.

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Worcester Dogs proudly supports Rhino conservation in South Africa in partnership with Animal Saviours & Endangered Rhino Conservation UK.

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